Desde Tulcán, 7 Km. hacia el norte por la carretera panamericana, se encuentra el Puente Internacional de Rumichaca (Puente de Piedra) que es el sitio fronterizo con la República de Colombia. La Progresista ciudad de Tulcán es la capital de la Provincia , a pesar de que su área urbana es pequeña , posee el 47% de su población. Cabecera Cantonal.- Tulcán, con una población de 47.359 habitantes (23.277 hombres y 24.082 mujeres). Población Cantonal.- 77.175 habitantes (38.325 hombres y 38.850 mujeres) Extensión.- 1.670,03 Km2 Altura.- 2.957 m.s.n.m. Temperatura Promedio.- 11.5°C Economía.- El cantón, excepto la ciudad de Tulcán se dedica a la actividad agropecuaria. La parroquia de Julio Andrade es un emporio papero, de Maldonado a Chical se obtienen productos subtropicales y en la ciudad de Tulcán un 85% se dedica al comercio con el vecino país del norte. | ||
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Cantonización de Tulcán.- El 18 de febrero de 1848 se reunieron en la casa del Sr. Eustorgio Revelo, los señores: Manuel Narváez, Sigifredo Coral, Eduardo Arellano, Celín Benavides y Garios Acosta para conversar sobre el problema del impuesto a la sal que era recogido por un agente recaudador de Ibarra. Según las disposiciones de la municipalidad de esa dudad, todos los impuestos que generaban las parroquias, debían enviarse a la cabecera cantonal para luego ser distribuidas en obras de bien común. Para este mismo fin, los ciudadanos se reunieron en varias ocasiones para deliberar sobre este propósito, habiéndose dirigido por vía postal al Supremo Gobierno solicitando esta erección. En esta oportunidad se sugirió que todos deberían buscar la cantonización de Tulcán como un modo de lograr; primero la administración de justicia, el manejo de los impuestos para provecho del pueblo y luego el nombramiento de autoridades que busquen el progreso de la zona. El 18 de noviembre de 1850, se dirige una comisión a Quito conformada por los señores: Juan Celestino Padilla, Nicanor Tapia, Alejandro Landázuri y Sergio Grijalva, para exponer personalmente ante la Convención Nacional la necesidad de que se eleve a la categoría de cantón a la parroquia de Tulcán. Estuvieron acompañados por el padre Tomás Delgado, quien les proporcionó alojamiento en el convento de La Merced, en Quito. Consideramos que las gestiones dieron buen resultado, toda vez que el 9 de abril de 1851, la Convención Nacional aprobó la cantonización de Tulcán. |
Brief history of Tulcán From Tulcán, 7 miles north on the Panamerican Highway, lies the Rumichaca International Bridge (Stone Bridge) which is the site border with the Republic of Colombia. The Progressive Tulcán city is the capital of the province, despite its urban area is small, owns 47% of its population. Cabecera Cantonal .- Tulcán, with a population of 47,359 inhabitants (23,277 men and 24,082 women). Cantonal population .- 77,175 inhabitants (38,325 men and 38,850 women) Extension .- 1670.03 km2 Height m.s.n.m. 2,957 .- .- Average temperature 11.5 ° C Economy .- The county except the city of Tulcan is engaged in farming. Parish Julio Andrade is an emporium Paper, Maldonado Chical subtropical products are obtained in the city of Tulcan 85% is devoted to trade with the neighboring northern country.
Flag and Coat of Tulcán Date Cantonización .- April 11, 1851. Historical Overview .- By Legislative Decree issued by the National Convention and ratified by the Executive on 11 April 1851 establishing the Tulcán Canton in the province of Imbabura. The great distance from the capital of Imbabura Tulcán Parish, and the roughness of the roads deadly places. Were the motivating factors for most senior officials to require the creation of the canton. By decree, the National Convention Ecuador erected a new canton in the province of Imbabura in the name of Tulcan, composed of the parish: Huaca, Tusa, Depth, Angel. and Tulcan as cantonal head. For these reasons, was a parish of the canton Tulcán Ibarra up when it gained cantonization in 1851. On 15 August the same year, Mr. Segundo Montenegro, Deputy Political Prop (now Bolivar) apiece proclaimed the enactment of this tax, so the population reacted angrily, snatched from the hands the document and put it destroyed into trouble with this authority, shouting "Death to the three prisoners." This example was followed immediately by Tulcán and elsewhere in the former province of Pastures, making Flores temporarily suspend the collection at least in this region.
Tulcan Cantonización .- The February 18, 1848 met at the home of Mr. Eustorgio Revelo, Messrs.: Manuel Narvaez, Sigifredo Coral, Eduardo Arellano, Celina Acosta Benavides with Gary to discuss the problem of tax on salt was collected by a collecting agent of Ibarra. Under the provisions of the municipality of that sure about anything, all taxes generated parishes, should be sent to the cantonal head before being distributed works good. To this end, the citizens met on several occasions to discuss this purpose, having been directed by mail to the Supreme Government requesting the erection. This time it was suggested that everyone should seek the cantonization of Tulcán as a way to achieve: first the administration of justice, tax management for the benefit of the people and then the appointment of authorities to seek progress in the area. On November 18, 1850, addresses a commission composed of Messrs. Quito: Juan Celestino Padilla, Nicanor Tapia, Sergio Alejandro Landazuri and Grijalva, to present personally before the National Convention need to be raised to the level of cantons Tulcán Parish. They were accompanied by Father Thomas Delgado, who were provided shelter in the convent of La Merced in Quito.
Flag and Coat of Tulcán Date Cantonización .- April 11, 1851. Historical Overview .- By Legislative Decree issued by the National Convention and ratified by the Executive on 11 April 1851 establishing the Tulcán Canton in the province of Imbabura. The great distance from the capital of Imbabura Tulcán Parish, and the roughness of the roads deadly places. Were the motivating factors for most senior officials to require the creation of the canton. By decree, the National Convention Ecuador erected a new canton in the province of Imbabura in the name of Tulcan, composed of the parish: Huaca, Tusa, Depth, Angel. and Tulcan as cantonal head. For these reasons, was a parish of the canton Tulcán Ibarra up when it gained cantonization in 1851. On 15 August the same year, Mr. Segundo Montenegro, Deputy Political Prop (now Bolivar) apiece proclaimed the enactment of this tax, so the population reacted angrily, snatched from the hands the document and put it destroyed into trouble with this authority, shouting "Death to the three prisoners." This example was followed immediately by Tulcán and elsewhere in the former province of Pastures, making Flores temporarily suspend the collection at least in this region.
Tulcan Cantonización .- The February 18, 1848 met at the home of Mr. Eustorgio Revelo, Messrs.: Manuel Narvaez, Sigifredo Coral, Eduardo Arellano, Celina Acosta Benavides with Gary to discuss the problem of tax on salt was collected by a collecting agent of Ibarra. Under the provisions of the municipality of that sure about anything, all taxes generated parishes, should be sent to the cantonal head before being distributed works good. To this end, the citizens met on several occasions to discuss this purpose, having been directed by mail to the Supreme Government requesting the erection. This time it was suggested that everyone should seek the cantonization of Tulcán as a way to achieve: first the administration of justice, tax management for the benefit of the people and then the appointment of authorities to seek progress in the area. On November 18, 1850, addresses a commission composed of Messrs. Quito: Juan Celestino Padilla, Nicanor Tapia, Sergio Alejandro Landazuri and Grijalva, to present personally before the National Convention need to be raised to the level of cantons Tulcán Parish. They were accompanied by Father Thomas Delgado, who were provided shelter in the convent of La Merced in Quito.
Saludo a la próspera ciudad de Tulcán en sus 163 años de ERECCIÓN A CANTÓN.
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